News items tagged with borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 Teased at GDC 2017

Borderlands 3 Teased at GDC 2017

Gearbox Software boss Randy Pitchford had a surprise in store when he took the stage at GDC today during Epic’s Unreal Engine panel....

By Jason Gallagher on 02 March 2017
Borderlands 3 Message Hidden in Gearbox's Battleborn

Borderlands 3 Message Hidden in Gearbox's Battleborn

Battleborn fans discover morse code hidden in the game’s latest DLC that seems to be a message teasing the plot and setting of the upcoming Borderlands 3.

By Dalton Cooper on 30 December 2016
Gearbox Teases Borderlands 3

Gearbox Teases Borderlands 3

Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford teases some new details about Borderlands 3 during a panel at PAX East, before stating that the game may undergo a title change.

By Alexander Pan on 22 June 2016