Will Destiny Soon Automatically Dismantle Green Items?

Will Destiny Soon Automatically Dismantle Green Items?

Destiny is likely to get a feature in its next update that will allow players to set any Uncommon item they pick up to be automatically dismantled into materials.

Destiny will be getting its next live event in a few weeks with an event called The Dawning. It will usher in the return of Sparrow Racing League as well as add three remastered Strikes and Strike Scoring. It also appears that accompanying the event will be an update, of which very little is known.

Nevertheless, according to multiple people at PlayStation Experience this past weekend, Bungie plans to implement a way to allow players once they hit Level 40, to set any Uncommon grade (green) items to automatically dismantle into materials upon pick up. This feature has yet to be announced by Bungie, but Destiny content creator Datto tweeted out the news over the weekend.

Automatic dismantling is a much-desired feature requested by Destiny fans. In Rise of Iron, the amount of green items can often quickly clog up a player’s inventory, especially during a raid like Wrath of the Machine. This way, when a player picks up a green engram off the ground, instead of rolling into an Uncommon grade weapon or armor, it will instantly turn into Armor Materials or Weapon Parts.

The drop rate of Uncommon engrams/items has seen an increase in Rise of Iron, which was apparently a return to intended drop rates. Back shortly after the launch of The Taken King when players were starving for armor and weapon materials, it was reportedly Bungie’s intention that Uncommon items would drop more regularly in order to provide a regular source of these materials.

At the time, Bungie added Weapon Parts to the inventory of the Gunsmith, which allowed players to purchase materials for Glimmer when needed. But in order to avoid another shortage of materials in Rise of Iron, Bungie intentionally increased their drop rates.

Destiny Engrams

However, now that has caused another quality-of-life problem for players, clogging up their inventory and often sending more-desired Legendary-tier items to the Postmaster, especially in activities like Archon’s Forge. The danger of an overfilled Postmaster is that if it fills up too much with Rare (blue) and Legendary (purple) items, items will start to be deleted.

Some third-party item manager apps and services have created new modes for farming which will automatically move Uncommon and Rare items to a player’s Vault. But if a player’s Vault is full (which is becoming more of a problem as Bungie has not increased the Vault space in some time), the same problem persists.

So if true, this feature is sure to be very welcomed by the Destiny community. The likelihood of this panning out as true is very high, as multiple people who interacted with Bungie this weekend at PlayStation Experience have said the same thing.

The Dawning live event will begin December 13.

Destiny: Rise of Iron, which is required to play The Dawning, is available now on PS4 and Xbox One.

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