Destiny Weekly Reset: What's New For November 15, 2016

Destiny Weekly Reset: What's New For November 15, 2016

Destiny: Rise of Iron kicks off another new week of content for players with the weekly playlist reset and here is everything that you’ll need to know for Nov 15.

As Lady Efrideet’s newly updated Iron Banner packs up and leaves the Iron Temple after a week of hard fighting and handing out loads of Iron Lord goodies like The Clever Dragon, fans have started to wonder what else the game has in store for them around the corner. Unfortunately for players, this is a pattern that has been seen before, last year in fact, when a major content drought descended upon Destiny: The Taken King.

Bungie has continued to remain mum on the subject of upcoming content, though many hints have been dropped since Rise of Iron launched in September that Amanda Holliday’s favorite event, Sparrow Racing League, is set to return early in December. Even with Destiny 2 still on track for release in 2017, Bungie needs to ensure that the current fanbase is satiated or a similar feeling of unrest among the community and some of its high profile players could rise again.

While fans continue to wait for official word from Bungie, the weekly reset event is here once again and bringing with it a whole slew of new content for Guardians to tackle. Here is the complete list of all the new playlists, bounties, and everything else going on with Destiny: Rise of Iron for the week of November 15, 2016.


Weekly Nightfall

First up is the Nightfall Strike and this week players are tasked with taking on Kovik in the Wretched Eye. Introduced just a couple months ago in the Rise of Iron expansion, the strike plays out closer to a story based mission lacking major fighting spaces. Instead, players move from SIVA nodes, destroying them while progressing through the level until reaching the big boss fight at the end.

The strike plays out easily enough as players hunt down each node one by one, though players are urged to move with caution as the Fallen Splicers are capable of dealing considerable damage. Not only that, the Arc Burn modifier this week may be the source of some sore spots this week, especially when dealing with shanks.

When facing off against Fallen Splicer Priest Kovik and his Ogre, players are advised to stay on the move and stick to cover. Kovik uses a weapon that not only fires fast, but hits hard as well. Things don’t get an easier either as these are the modifiers in play this week: Epic, Arc Burn, Brawler, Ironclad, and Exposure.

  • Epic adds heavily shielded enemies that are more aggressive and appear in greater numbers.
  • Arc Burn increases all arc based damage from any source. Guardians are strong advised to not only equip an Arc based subclass like a Blade Dancer, Striker, or Stormcaller, but have a solid weapon like the Zhalo Supercell or Trespasser at the ready as well.
  • Brawler increases Guardian melee damage.
  • Ironclad grants enemies more shields.
  • Finally, Exposure gives Guardians enhanced shields, though they no longer recharge after damage is taken.

SIVA Crisis Heroic Strike Playlist

For better or worse, the SIVA Crisis Heroic playlist doesn’t feature a specific burn modifier like the Nightfall, so players instead have to deal with these modifiers instead: Heroic, Specialist, Exposure, and Airborne.

  • Like every week, Heroic buffs enemies, making them more aggressive and in greater numbers than normal.
  • Specialist grants added damage for players who use special weapons.
  • Exposure is back again here as well, and as previously mentioned, all Guardians get enhanced shields at the cost of having them recharge.
  • Lastly, Airborne grants bonus damage for players who are in the air.

Like each and every week, the SIVA Crisis playlist is a great way to earn valuable high level light loot and score an easy 30 Legendary Marks. For most however, the real draw is being rewarded with a new Radiant Treasure, the easiest way to acquire Silver Dust and new weapon ornaments. Though it is quite rare, this playlist also gives a solid chance to earn a Skeleton Key that players can use to unlock new strike specific loot such as the Hood of Malok, Mongrel Ogre’s Grasp, and many others.


Crucible Playlist

This week in the Crucible, players can take part in the Inferno Supremacy weekly playlist.

While players still take part in a 6v6 team based mode where picking up crests dropped by slain enemies is the name of the game, the Inferno variant disables all radars and trackers. This also extends to players using radar enhancement gear such as the Memory of Gheleon or Mida-Multi-Tool. Just like each week, simply participating in the event awards ten Legendary Marks.

New Bounties

It’s time to head back to Felwinter Peak as both Tyra Karn and Shiro-4 have more quests and bounties to eager Guardians. As she has each and every week, the mountain’s acting Cryptarch known as Tyra Karn is the place to start the weekly Artifacts of the Iron Lords quest. By now, players should be well aware that completing actions such as public events or patrol missions in the Plaguelands goes towards finishing this simple quest in exchange for a token which can be be redeemed for one of three artifacts. This week, players can pick from Memory of Timur, Memory of Radegast, and Memory of Gheleon.

  • Memory of Timur grants a small change that melee attacks on minor minions of the darkness can temporarily turn the target against its allies.
  • Memory of Radegast enables Guardians to reflect energy based projectiles when using a sword. Sword ammo capacity is also increased as well.
  • Memory of Gheleon provides a detailed radar for players and keeps the radar on screen even when aiming down the sights. This artifact is kinda like having the Nightstalker Keen Scout and Mida Multi-Tool perk active at all times.

Before leaving Felwinter, players should stop by Vanguard scout Shiro-4, who is once again offering four new Iron Lord weekly bounties and his typical Plaguelander quest chain. Crushing Blows, Anti-Splicer, Archon’s Forge: Shanks, and Archon’s Forge: Vandals are all available this week. As always, keep in mind that SIVA offerings are completely random so players will need to keep trying in order to get shank or vandal specific events.

These bounties also give players a chance to start the Thorn exotic hand cannon quest line, so make sure to finish all four for the best chance.

  • Crushing Blows requires that players kill 100 enemies using either the Iron Battle Axe or other powerful enemy weapons like the Scorch Cannon. Quarantine patrols or Archon’s Forge are the best methods to finishing this bounty though The Iron Tomb story mission is also a great place for the Iron Battle Axe as well.
  • Anti-Splicer simple requires that players finish 10 patrols around the Plaguelands. Considering that The Plaguelander quest line already asks that players finish 15, these two can be completed at the same time.
  • Archon’s Forge: Shanks requires that players complete four total shank encounters inside of Archon’s Forge.
  • Archon’s Forge: Vandals requires that players complete four vandal encounters inside of Archon’s Forge.

Lord Shaxx should also not be forgotten as his weekly Crucible bounty is a great source of high level gear as well. This week he’s offering A Hunt for Glory, which places a focus on the new Supremacy game mode. In order to turn this bounty in, players first need to finish seven matches, score 50 kills with primary weapons, capture 30 kill crests, and deny 20 crests. Luckily, the weekly playlist is set to Supremacy this week, which should make finishing this bounty much easier. As always, finishing this weekly bounty will grant Nightfall tier rewards, helping players get closer to that maximum light level of 400.

destiny rise of iron concept art

 Challenge of the Elders

As the only source of Sterling Treasure each week, Guardians can stop by the Reef to speak to Variks to head into the Prison of Elders. Finishing off the level 41 Prison of Elders is all it takes to claim a weekly offering filled with either Spektar or Desolate gear, chroma, and reputation boosts.

This week, players face Noru’usk, a Cabal Servant of Oryx, a Fallen Pilot Servitor, and Sylok the Defiled. For Guardians working on the Elder’s Sigil in the Challenge of the Elders, the modifiers for this week are: Specialist, Berserk, and a bonus for grenade kills.

  • Specialist awards bonus damage for players using special weapons.
  • Berserk allows enemies to not flinch, even after taking massive damage.
  • Lastly, all Grenade Kills award bonus points for killing enemies with grenades. Radiance will come in handy here for Sunsinger Warlocks, along with any gear that such as the Armamentarium for Titans or ATS/8 Tarantella for Bladedancer specific Hunters.


For the first time in a long while, it’s a plain old regular week in Destiny as there isn’t some sort of special playlist or big event taking place.

Instead, players still have Trials of Osiris on the weekends, and the two raid challenges to occupy their time until something new comes along. This week, the Vosik raid challenge is active, as the two will likely switch from week to week.

As always, good luck and stay safe out there, Guardians!

Destiny: Rise of Iron is available now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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